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March Madness

By Dr. Emilio Jose Fabian Corona

“March Madness” is upon us, but I must clarify that it is probably not the one you are thinking about, especially if you are a sports enthusiast. I am alluding of course to the Match season, that time of the year when thousands of medical students from across the country and around the world wait patiently for that long-anticipated email in mid-March: the correspondence that will dictate if your dreams of becoming a trainee at your desired program and institution are to be fulfilled.

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Unveiling the Mind: Matching into Adult Neurology

By Dr. Shrinjay Vyas

The pursuit of a career in medicine has been a lifelong dream for me. I inherited a passion for learning and an unwavering commitment to achieving excellence from my academically focused Indian family. Encouraged by the values instilled in me by my parents, I attended and graduated from one of the most prestigious medical colleges in the state of Gujarat in my home country of India. After I completed my education, I dreamt of taking the next step in my medical career in the United States, where I could study the intricate inner workings of the human brain and have the opportunity to contribute to the global advancement of neurological care.

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Pursuing Our Dreams from Coast to Coast

By Dr. Rajkumar Doshi

I completed my Internal Medicine residency at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. During my three-year residency, I thoroughly enjoyed living on the West Coast of the United States. Now, as a fellow, I am experiencing life in New York City as well as the suburban lifestyle in New Jersey.

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A Journey of Grit, Strength, and Motivation

By Dr. Esha Jain

Nothing worth having comes easy.

Each journey in medicine is unique, but all are full of grit, strength, and motivation. I write this blog post in the hopes that you can derive inspiration during your experience as an international medical graduate. By no means is this an easy route, but it is incredibly worth it, and I would not have had it any other way.

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